Chef John’s Queso Dip

Chef John's Queso Dip

Chef John’s Queso Dip
Minimal time and effort go into making this silky, addictive queso dip that melds green chiles, tomatoes, and scallions with your favorite melty cheese.

Into a bowl, grate some Cheddar cheese.

Add cornstarch and stir to combine.

In a pan over medium-high heat, melt the butter.

Add the light-colored scallions and garlic.

Add some cumin, salt, and chipotle.

For about 2 minutes, cook and stir until fragrant.

Cook and stir for 2 minutes more after adding the green chiles and 1/2 cup of tomatoes.

Add evaporated milk and heat until boiling.

Just until the cheese is melted, add the Cheddar and remove from heat right away.